Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

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Alaska pollock is a tasty budget fish that belongs to low-fat varieties, it has few bones and is very easy to get them. For everyday menu and for any diet, pollock is simply indispensable, so you can cook it often and in different ways. Meat of the fish cooked according to this recipe turns out tender, juicy and with a sweetish flavor, thanks to baking in foil. Melting oil soaks it, and spices – saturate the taste and flavor! You can bake not only pollock in this recipe, but also other fish. The dish can be served both hot and chilled. Another plus of cooking fish in foil is the absence of dirty dishes, as foil is easily removed from the baking pan.

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Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

Ingredients (3 servings)

  • Alaska pollock 600 g
  • Fish seasoning to taste
  • Butter 50 г
  • Fresh dill to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste


  • Prepare the necessary set of ingredients according to the list.
  • I had six small pollock carcasses. If you have a larger fish, you can cut it into portions.
  • Spices you can use your favorite, such as rosemary, tarragon, marjoram, allspice, etc.
  • I already had a ready mix of spices for fish, but you can use just salt and ground black pepper.
  • Take the freshly frozen fish out of the freezer in advance so that it thaws at room temperature.

Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

  • Normally pollock is sold gutted, but if you don’t have one, cut open the belly of the fish and remove all the insides. In the direction from the tail to the head, peel off the small scales.
  • Cut off the fish heads, tails and fins, rinse thoroughly with cold water and dry.
  • Prepare several pieces of foil, taking into account that there should be some free edges.
  • Place one or two fish, i.e. in portions, on the matte side of the foil.

Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

  • Mix salt, black pepper and spices for fish.
  • Season the fish on all sides.

Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

  • Cut the butter into small pieces and place it on each fish.
  • Carefully wrap the fish in foil so that all the juices remain inside during baking.
  • Send the form to a preheated 190 degrees oven. Bake at the rate of 15 minutes for each 500 grams of fish.
  • If desired, unroll the foil at the end of cooking to allow the fish to brown.

Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

  • Take the fish out of the oven without opening the foil, and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Serve with fresh herbs, such as dill.
  • To complement such a dish you can garnish with potatoes, rice or stewed vegetables.

Low-calorie baked pollock in foil
Bon appetit!

Low-calorie baked pollock in foil

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