A Unique Twist on Classic Dressing: Thousand Isles Delight

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Homemade dressings consistently outshine their store-bought counterparts, and my Homemade Thousand Isles Delight is no exception! This tangy and zesty dressing elevates any salad and it’s incredibly simple to whip up!

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A Unique Twist on Classic Dressing: Thousand Isles Delight

Whenever I dine out and opt for a salad, my first inquiry is always about the availability of Thousand Island dressing—it’s a personal favorite. If it’s on the menu (which is sometimes hit or miss), I’m thrilled! Then comes the crucial question: Is it homemade or made in-house? If the answer is yes, my excitement skyrockets even further! (It’s often the little pleasures in life that bring the most joy!) Interestingly, Thousand Island dressing seems to be gaining popularity in restaurants beyond just traditional supper clubs and salad bars. I’ve even encountered some commendable renditions at a few of my preferred dining spots.

Nevertheless, I’m not inclined to dine out every time I crave a quality dressing! Over time, I’ve tried numerous brands of Thousand Island dressings, but none quite met my expectations. They were either too watery (I’ve always preferred a thicker consistency, especially for dipping my croutons) or lacked the anticipated flavor. Making my own just made perfect sense! Plus, you can even prepare homemade mayonnaise to use in the recipe.

A Unique Twist on Classic Dressing: Thousand Isles Delight

Why the Name “Thousand Island”?

To me, Thousand Island is a fitting moniker for this dressing, purportedly named after the picturesque Thousand Islands region nestled between the United States and Canada, owing to its delightful flavor. (At least, that’s the romanticized version of Thousand Island Dressing’s history that I like to adhere to.)

A Unique Twist on Classic Dressing: Thousand Isles Delight

How Long Does Homemade Dressing Last?

You can store this dressing in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. I usually gauge its freshness based on the expiration date of the sour cream (as it’s the first ingredient likely to spoil). Use a permanent marker to label the storage bottle, ensuring you don’t encounter any issues later on. Squeeze bottles with lids are our preferred storage vessels.

Thousand Isles Delight: More Than Just Salad Dressing

While Thousand Island Dressing is commonly associated with lettuce salads, its versatility extends far beyond that!

A Unique Twist on Classic Dressing: Thousand Isles Delight


  • ½ cup (116 g) mayo (mayonnaise)
  • ½ cup (115 g) sour cream
  • 3 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1½ tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish
  • ½ teaspoon onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.
  2. Whisk until smooth.

A Unique Twist on Classic Dressing: Thousand Isles Delight

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