Timeless White Russian Cocktail

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The Timeless White Russian is a rich and creamy cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and heavy cream, all served over crushed ice in a lowball glass.

Timeless White Russian Cocktail

This iconic drink was created in 1949, along with its counterpart, the Black Russian, which is simply a White Russian minus the cream. Despite its name, the White Russian didn’t originate in Russia—the name comes from the vodka base. This cocktail gained massive popularity as an after-dinner drink and saw a resurgence in fame thanks to the movie The Big Lebowski.

White Russian Ingredients

Ice: The White Russian is traditionally served over ice, and I prefer using crushed ice in an old-fashioned or lowball glass.

Vodka: Vodka is the main ingredient in a classic White Russian. Choose your favorite brand for this recipe. If you’re out of vodka, you can substitute it with rum (spiced rum is great for a holiday twist), gin, bourbon, or even Bailey’s Irish Cream.

Kahlua: Kahlua is a coffee-flavored liqueur that adds depth to the drink. If you want a less potent cocktail, you can substitute Kahlua with a shot of espresso or brewed coffee.

Heavy Cream: Heavy cream, with its minimum of 30% fat content, adds the signature richness to the White Russian. If you’re in a pinch, you can use milk or even coffee creamer instead.

Timeless White Russian Cocktail

What Does a White Russian Taste Like?

This cocktail is strong but smooth, with a flavor reminiscent of iced coffee for adults. It’s slightly sweet, but not overly so, making it an enjoyable drink to sip. Pair it with chocolate-covered Ritz crackers or chocolate-covered pretzels for a delightful treat.

Timeless White Russian Cocktail


  • Crushed ice
  • 2 ounces (60 ml) vodka
  • 1 ounce (30 ml) Kahlua or another coffee liqueur
  • 1 ounce (30 ml) heavy cream


  1. Fill a lowball glass with crushed ice.
  2. Add the vodka and Kahlua to the glass.
  3. Top the drink with heavy cream and stir gently to combine.

Timeless White Russian Cocktail

Enjoy your Timeless White Russian, a cocktail that’s both decadent and delicious!

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